Plant haul!

I have gotten a lot of plants recently! Not all intentional, either. 😀

I went to Lowes to pick up some spray paint and a flower pot (the bucket from the previous post). Well, I have a little trouble staying away from the clearance rack. Something about wanting to care for the neglected plants. John says I have a  large empathy gene.

Anyway, there were several flats of very neglected lavender that were wilted likely beyond saving. The plants were only $1 per pot and I was thinking about getting a couple for the heck of it.  Then I pulled the flats out a little bit and way in the back on the rack were some that actually looked pretty good!  So, I picked up 3 of them. 2 seem pretty good, but one is pretty wilty at the tips. I might shear that one back in a week or so if it doesn’t perk up.


I really can’t go wrong with only spending $3 for all this lavender. Even if only 1 plant makes it!

I also got a few gift certificates for my birthday to Toadflax Nursery.  On Sunday I went by myself so I could really take time to browse and ponder before coming home with my haul:


Woo Hoo!  I got a David Austin rose (Othello), some annuals, a couple lady’s mantle and a pot of black petunias, which are really, really pretty and a total impulse buy.


I got everything planted, too, and now the shade garden is starting to take shape. I’ll have to update that one.

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